The Academy for Playful Leadership

for academia FOR SOCietal transformation, FOR YOU 

We exist to support social transformation through conscious leadership with play and curiosity.



Our definition of leadership goes beyond formal leadership positions in organisations. For us, a leader is the person who takes responsibility for their influence in the world and who courageously recognises and develops the potential in people and processes.


We define playfulness as being fully in the current moment and being committed to living life a little lighter, irrespective of the outer circumstances. Playfulness brings you to the moment, because it is an absorbing way of being that provides enjoyment, is self-motivating and makes you want to do it again. It naturally exists when we are living in our zone of genius. 


We challenge unconscious beliefs and behaviours in a playful and provocative way. We offer practical tools to establish a radically new, conscious and playful leadership culture. We do this for more individual fulfilment, and for more innovation, interdiciplinarity and implementation in academic groups, in research-oriented organisations and science-practice cooperations. By doing so, we believe we can inspire the genius in everyone and make our contribution to a more compassionate and sustainable world. 


We envision a sustainable, win-for-all world: a world in which curiosity, authenticity, integrity, responsibility, ease and play are the predominant norms of social coexistence.

Moje believes

In telling the truth / You always have a choice / You create your reality / Ordinary suffering is optional / Being human means being in a mess / In the power of playfulness / In diversity / In your authentic contribution / You have all it takes

Moje creates 

Clarity / Focus / Ease / Grace / Authentic action / Energy / Self-consciousness / Creativity / Engagement / Mindfulness / Deep connections / Success / Diversity / Play / Transformation / Humour / Freedom